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Masters Degree in Pakistan

Explore all post-graduate courses otherwise known as Master's Degrees. Find Scopes of different Master programs and Fee structures offered in different Pakistani Universities and Colleges.

Types of Master's Degrees

  • There are several types of Master's degrees available in Pakistan, including Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MS), Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Engineering (MEng), among others.
  • The specific types of degrees offered can vary depending on the field of study and the institution.

Master Degree Duration

The duration of a Master's degree program in Pakistan typically ranges from 1 to 2 years, depending on the type of degree and the institution.

For example, a Master's degree in science or arts may be completed in two years, while an MBA program is often shorter, usually taking 1.5 years.

Duration - 5 to 6 Years

Chartered Accountancy

Chartered Accountancy short for CA in Pakistan is a prestigious, highly paid profession, that is in demand not only in Pakistan but through out world.

Course Overview Course Scope
2 Institutes are offering CA in Pakistan
Duration - 5 Years

Doctor of Pharmacy

This 5 years long Pharm d or Doctor of Pharmacy program is in high demand, many students from Pakistan who want to pursue a successful career in clinical aspects choose this course.

Course Overview Course Scope
13 Institutes are offering PharmD in Pakistan
Duration - 2 Years

Chartered Financial Analyst

CFA also known as Chartered Financial Analyst or Certified Financial Analysis is a graduate level program offered throught Pakistan, focusing on investment, analysis of stocks and bonds.

Course Overview
1 Institutes are offering CFA in Pakistan
Duration - 2.5 Years

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants or ACCA admission details, fee structure and subject details in Pakistan. Which institute in Pakistan is best for ACCA qualification 2024

Course Overview Course Scope
2 Institutes are offering ACCA in Pakistan
Duration - 2 Years

Master of Science in Mass Communication

Course Overview Not Available Right Now
2 Institutes are offering MSc Mass Communication in Pakistan
Duration - 2 Years

Master of Science in Sociology

Course Overview Not Available Right Now
1 Institutes are offering MSc Sociology in Pakistan
Duration - 2 Years

Master of Science in Pakistan Studies

Course Overview Not Available Right Now
1 Institutes are offering MSc Pakistan Studies in Pakistan
Duration - 2 Years

Master of Science Economics

Course Overview Not Available Right Now
3 Institutes are offering MSc Economics in Pakistan
Duration - 2 Years

Master of Science in Gender and Women Studies

Course Overview Not Available Right Now
1 Institutes are offering MSC Gender in Pakistan
Duration - 2 Years

Master of Commerce

Course Overview Not Available Right Now
1 Institutes are offering MCom in Pakistan

Trending Courses in Pakistan

Explore following courses that are currently in Trending across Pakistan. Most students in Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad are interested in these courses.

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